Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday morning

Monday morning, originally uploaded by SparrowEmily.

a weekend of exploring. future homes, towns, schools. sleeping at our parents' houses. waking up to the geese and tons of fog. sometimes it really is that simple.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tonight was the first night you could really feel it~ the little chill in the air. I was sick, so I curled the red blanket around my shoulders and read some homework on the veranda as the sun set. It even smelled a bit like fall.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

not much time going on here today, but i need to say something, don't i?
going for no caps too~ just kinda feeling it today....

school started yesterday. i have spent the last week being self-righteous to people who got completely freak~out stressed at the start of the semester. i thought "i am so into school. i never get stressed at the start of it, i get excited. it must be that they aren't really cut out for school." (i should note this self~righteousness is a common theme lately... and let's just say that book I was talking about explains it all--- shame and perfectionism lead to judgement and expectations and people fall short {i fall short} and then i get more self-righteous and judgmental. so attractive, isn't it?) ANYWAY, guess who was that girl getting all freaked out on the first day of school yesterday? this girl! i have an independent study assignment carrying over from the summer on a book i read three months ago (and have since read at least a dozen books) that has me off the deep end. i have an english course that makes no sense to me, reading a book that makes no sense to me, with classmates that make no sense to me. i have a statistics class that in itself isn't stressful, but it is full of first and second year students. this means a lot of going over things i already know and reviewing things i already understand.

today i start my syntax, semantics, and style course which is supposed to be my fun one. wish me luck!

it is official: school has swallowed my life already.