Thursday, August 27, 2009

Good morning world! I just spent nearly a half hour typing a blog entry that I tossed out. And another fifteen writing a second that I scratched. It was real, genuine, true, messy.... Perhaps too much so. I am struggling deciding how personal to get on here. People are actually starting to read it and I don't want to create drama. I don't want to write things that certain people will see and I find myself censoring to the extreme just in case. I am feeling my way through and learning what is enough and what is too much. I will get there eventually.

For today though, I want to say that the sun came up beautifully on the side of the building in front of it. I am getting ready to go write my mondo beydondo list for andrea's online course. I am going to make some tea and really let it go. I am needing to spill a bit.
I wish the same for you~ a litlte bit of honest spilling.... It is so necessary sometimes.

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